Quality is not a scope, it is a habit.


Pasive Components Testers

Chroma 11021, 11021-L - Effectiv-cost LCR Meter
Chroma 11021, 11021-L - Effectiv-cost LCR MeterCode: Chroma_11021/11021-L
The Chroma 11021/11021-L LCR Meter are the most cost-effective digital LCR Meter, provides 100Hz, 120Hz, 1kHz, and 10kHz test frequencies...
Chroma 11022, 11025 - LCR Meter
Chroma 11022, 11025 - LCR MeterCode: Chroma_11022/11025
The Chroma 11022 and 11025 LCR Meters a are designed for the demanding applications of production test, incoming inspection, component...
Chroma 11050 - HF LCR Meter
Chroma 11050 - HF LCR MeterCode: Chroma_11050
The Chroma 11050 series HF LCR Meter is a precision test instrument designed to accurately measure and evaluate passive components...
Chroma 13350 - Automatic Transformer Tester
Chroma 13350 - Automatic Transformer TesterCode: Chroma_13350
13350 provides 20Hz-200kHz test frequency and scan test items to cover low voltage test parameters for various transformers including Inductance...
Chroma 3250, 3252, 3302 - Automatic Transformer Test System / Automatic Component Analyzers
Chroma 3250, 3252, 3302 - Automatic Transformer Test System / Automatic Component AnalyzersCode: Chroma_3250/3252/ 3302
The 3250/3252/3302 Transformer Test System are the precision test systems, designed for transformer production line. The 3250/3252 provide 20Hz-200kHz test...
Chroma 3312 - Telecom Transformer Test System
Chroma 3312 - Telecom Transformer Test SystemCode: Chroma_3312
The 3312 Telecom Transformer Test System is a precision test system, designed for telecom transformer production line or incoming/ outgoing...
Chroma 11020 - Capacitance Meter
Chroma 11020 - Capacitance MeterCode: Chroma_11020
The Chroma 11020 is a high-speed precision Capacitance Meter. Provides 100Hz, 120Hz, and 1kHz test frequencies. Measurement time is only...
Chroma 11800/11801/11810 - Ripple Current Tester
Chroma 11800/11801/11810 - Ripple Current TesterCode: Chroma_11800_11801_11810
The Chroma 11800/11801/11810 Ripple Current Tester is a precision tester designed for electrolytic capacitors load life testing. Provides constant ripple...
Chroma 11200 - Capacitor Leakage Current/IR Meter (CLC/IR Meter)
Chroma 11200 - Capacitor Leakage Current/IR Meter (CLC/IR Meter)Code: Chroma_11200
Capacitor Leakage Current / IR Meter provides DC 1~650V, 0.5~500mA (150mA for V>100V) or DC1~800V, 0.5~500mA (50mA for...
Chroma 16502 - Miliohm Meter (0.001mΩ ~ 1.9999MΩ)
Chroma 16502 - Miliohm Meter (0.001mΩ ~ 1.9999MΩ)Code: Chroma_16502
16502 is a digital Milliohm Meter (0.001mΩ~1.9999MΩ wide measurement range). DC, Pulsed, and Dry-circuit test current driving modes, enable...
BK 2840 - Micro Ohm Meter (1μΩ - 20kΩ)
BK 2840 - Micro Ohm Meter (1μΩ - 20kΩ)Code: BK_2840
This DC resistance meters feature high accuracy and resolution measurements in the milliohm range. BK 2840 are ideally suited for...
BK 2841 - Micro Ohm Meter (0.1 μΩ - 100 MΩ) with temperature compesation functions
BK 2841 - Micro Ohm Meter (0.1 μΩ - 100 MΩ) with temperature compesation functionsCode: BK_2841
In addition to 2840, the 2841 includes two temperature compensations functions: correction (TC) and conversion (Δt).This allows for increased comparison...
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