Fiber optic sensing

SOFO Standard Deformation SensorCode: SOFO
The SOFO deformation sensors are transducers that transform a distance variation into a change in the path unbalance between two...

MuST FBG Deformation SensorCode:
The MuST FBG deformation sensors are transducers that transform a static or dynamic distance variation into a change in reflected...

MuST FBG Strain SensorCode:
The FBG deformation strain are transducers that transform a static or dynamic distance variation into a change in reflected wavelength...

MuST FBG Multiplex SMARTprofile Deformation SensorCode: 12.1061
The SMARTprofile strain sensors are transducers that transform a strain variation into a change in reflected wavelength of a FBG...

DiTeSt SMARTprofile SensorCode: 11.1030
The DiTeSt SMARTprofile combined strain and temperature sensors are designed for distributed deformation (average strain) and temperature monitoring over long...

EFO Embeddable Strain SensorCode: EFO
The EFO is a 70-mm long fiber optic strain gauge designed to be embedded in concrete. It consists of a...

SOFO Lite Reading UnitCode:
The SOFO Lite reading unit is able to measure up to 10 or 12 SOFO (Interferometric) sensors. SOFO sensors offer...