Weather stations

MetPak Weather StationCode:
MetPak professional weather station is an all-in-one weather system capable of monitoring up to six weather parameters: barometric pressure, air...

MetPak RGCode:
MetPak RG professional weather station is capable of monitoring seven weather parameters: precipitation, barometric pressure, air temperature, humidity, dew point,...

MetPak ProCode:
MetPak Pro professional weather station is an all-in-one weather system capable of monitoring the same seven weather parameters as MetPak...

MaxiMet GMX100Code:
The MaxiMet range of compact weather stations is designed and manufactured by Gill Instruments. MaxiMet products use reliable, high quality...

MaxiMet GMX101Code:
The MaxiMet range of compact weather stations is designed and manufactured by Gill Instruments. MaxiMet products use reliable, high quality...

WindDisplayCode: TFT
The Gill Instruments Meteorological TFT WindDisplay is a combined wind speed and direction indicator. Wind information is displayed using a...